


关于标题,可以使用Order Information, Refunds, Returns等吸引人的标题。也可以使用Free,Replacement/Refund, Item Name, Customer Name, Order ID等字眼吸引客人打开,避免你的邮件被归为垃圾邮件。


当客人多次不回复时,可以尝试使用标题党,如Urgent Help.... A gift for.....等。



A Free Replacement Car Jump Starter for RoyCousin for Order ID 202-3445268-5489146

Remboursement complet de Booster Batterie pour Dali 404-4784579-8746718

Ein kostenlose Starthilfe als Ersatz für Valentin Martin 303- 4321018-0291539

Urgent Help for Customer Mark202-3450969-7906731







Tsui Ying Wai BAPB0349

I finally had a try on this portable jumpstarter on my car (2006 Corsa SXI+) as I left my car for a long time and itdoesn't start. I have followed everything on the instruction booklet and I amvery sure I didn't do any step wrong. The product went on fire after Iconnected it to my car battery, and I had to pour the water immediately!!!!! Mycar still doesn't work now and I have to see if there is any damage to the carbattery. And the product was completely burnt and melted afterward, it was verydangerous. I will never buy this kind of product again!!!!


This is Jack, the customer service managerof Amazon seller- Bravo Tech. ——自我介绍

I am so sorry and shocked when I know thisserious accident, I will handle this accident for you personally. I have contacted oursupplier at once and asked them to check all items again at once to avoid thesimilar situation happening again.——转换身份 (问题解决者)

I will follow up this problem until it issolved properly.——强化重视度

Please don't worry, as a reliable seller, Iwould like to try my best to help you. I know your fingers had been burnt, do you see a doctor?I hope everything goes well with you. I would like to issue the full refund foryou as a compensation, is it OK? Besides, as for your car, I don't know whetherit is damaged, if you confirm the problems, just email me at any time, we willtake this responsibility if it caused by our car jump starter. I hope you couldfeel our sincerity to help you to solve the problems.——表明负责立场,了解情况,提出解决建议

Meanwhile, I want to resend a new one foryou and you don't need to return the defective one, would you mind trying itagain? I will check the item carefully before sending out, if you use itfollowing the instructions, I confirm it can work safely. If you agree, couldyou please help me to confirm the shipping address:——进一步提出解决方案 (重新寄送 )


In order to solve the problem, I havere-sent a new one for you by expedited shipping so that you can receive itsoon. Usually it takes 2-3 working days to delivery and I do hope you canreceive it soon, I will offer a tracking number for you once it updates :)——告知已经重新发货,多久可以到货,并提供单号让买家放心

Besides, if you are satisfied with ourservice, could you please do me a favor to remove the negative or change it to 4/5 stars forour ****? The order ID is***. ——请求移除

I am a new comer in probation period, thenegative review really has great influence to my working performance, I reallyneed your help to pass the working evaluation in *** to keep my job, could youplease help me? it is also a great encouragement for me to do better in thefuture, is it OK? ——进一步把自己放在弱势地位,表明差评对自己业绩和工作的重大影响,博取客户同情,请求客户帮助,并表明以后将做得更好

Here are steps: ——告知客户移除步骤,基本就大工告成

1. Log on to your buyer's account.

2. Click on the 'Your Account' link.

3. Scroll to the 'Personalization' section.

4. Click the link titled "Product Reviews Written byYou".

5. You will be directed to a page where you can edit your reviews.

Thanks in advance for your kindness to me.





如果是求移除的邮件连续去了好几封邮件都不理的话,可以换个类似Urgent Help等显眼的标题。





We are sure you are extremely busy and we justwanted to reconnect to see if we could be of any assistance to you.

I really wish to hear something from youabout that. Your attention to that case is really important for us, anyupdating or comments from you is highly appreciated.





4、 关于求客人移除的时机和技巧










This is Betty again, from Amazon seller-Bravo Tech, so sorry for bothering you again.——表明身份

I am concerned whether you have receivedour replacement car jump starter you. I checked the package was shipped by LaPoste and it was delivered. Could you please tell me whether it works well? Anyproblems, please email me at any time, I will try my best to help you. ——表明立场,想确认问题是否解决

Besides, if you are satisfied with ourservice, could you please do me a favor to remove the negative for our car jump starter? the order ID is 171-7676680-8779519.——表明请求

Besides, if you are satisfied with ourservice, could you please do me a favor to remove the negative or change it to4/5 stars for our car jump starter, I am a new comer in probation period, thenegative review really has great influence to my working performance, I reallyneed your help to pass the working evaluation to keep my j ob, could you pleasehelp me? It is also a great encouragement for me to do better in the future, isit OK?——表明请求和对你的重大意义

Your shopping experience is an importantreference to other buyers, I would really appreciate it if you’d like to shareyour experience with other buyers. Besides, it is also a great encouragementfor us to do better in the future, is it OK?——表明对其他买家和自己的影响

Hope you could understand, I'm a23-year-old girl, and this my first job, I wish I could do it better. I need topass the working evaluation to keep my job, could you please help me? It is also a great encouragement for me to dobetter in the future, is it OK?——弱化自己,强化买家地位

Meanwhile, I can understand that you justwant to give an honest review to our product. In fact, according to Amazonoriginal intention, the Amazon customer review is an important reference forother buyer, it should reflect over shopping experience and customer service. Iknow that you are a little dissatisfied with our product, and we have refundfor you as a compensation. And I do hope you can feel our sincerity to offerthe best service for you.——强调亚马逊规则,同时强调自己所做的事情以及帮助客户的诚意
